Darwin Tulips
Mixed media on paper, 14”h x 11” w (2021)
Shirt fabric with buttons, found ceramic shard, found fabric leaf, found hardened acrylic paint, fabric, cotton embroidery floss, vintage printed paper, wood with acrylic, gouache

Storm Flower, 2021
Work on paper, found wood, found fabric, deconstructed book, toner on fabric, isobar map printed on paper, vintage printed image, scouring pad, glass beads, miniature asphalt shingle, gouache , 18” x 12”

Ode to ENF (Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays, 1856)
Mixed media assemblage on paper. Soil dyed bed sheet cotton with fabric dye, vintage garden book text, linoleum, pine rosin, printed map, reflector fragment, 2022
18.5” h x 4.5”w x 0.25”d

Non Remnant Landscape
A remnant landscape or habitat refers to an area that is undisturbed, uncut, or unpolluted containing native flora and fauna. The piece Non Remnant Landscape (made from remnants) is a talismanic object. 12” H x 11.5”W x .5”D, hand made flax paper, soiled dyed and scorched cotton bedsheet, mica, map prints, found ocean tumbled glass and ceramic shards, pebble, dried plant. 2022

Untitled 1
Paper, fabric, thread , gouache, printed

Untitled 4
Handmade flax paper, slip dyed cotton, gouache, printed paper, mica, thread

New Ice
Printed archival illustration on board, printed maps, copper, gouache, thread. 5” x 5”, 2022

Deep Under
Mixed media on paper , 9” h x 5.5” w (2020)
Paper, cyanotype on silk, isobar maps printed, found hardened acrylic paint, mylar, fabric, thread, vinyl letters

Untitled 2, 2021
Paper, thread, gouache, vitreous enamel on mica, gouache on paper, flood maps (toner on paper), printed archival document (toner on paper), tea stained

Mixed media on paper 14” h x 9” w (2021)
Found paper pulp with leaves, found plastic ,found hardened acrylic paint, painted acoustic tile, fabric, pearls, amethyst, thread, cardboard, acrylic sheet, printed book cover

Flood Fauna
Mixed media on paper, 18”h x 12” w (2021)
Fabric, thread, toner copy flood map and isobar maps (ink on paper) gouache, 2021

Untitled 3
Handmade flax paper, gouache, thread, oil pastel, ceramic shards

Landscape with Disturbance
Mixed media on paper, 11’h x 9”w (2020)
Paper, gouache, isobar map (toner on paper) vinyl lettering, cardboard, thread, pvc, fabric,

Work on paper, 2020 (9” x 7”)
Gouache on paper, fabric, thread, lettering, isobar map print on paper

Factory Setting
Mixed media on paper , 11” h x 9” w
Fabric, gouache on paper, book binding, 23k gold leaf, mylar, 2021
Darwin Tulips
Mixed media on paper, 14”h x 11” w (2021)
Shirt fabric with buttons, found ceramic shard, found fabric leaf, found hardened acrylic paint, fabric, cotton embroidery floss, vintage printed paper, wood with acrylic, gouache
Storm Flower, 2021
Work on paper, found wood, found fabric, deconstructed book, toner on fabric, isobar map printed on paper, vintage printed image, scouring pad, glass beads, miniature asphalt shingle, gouache , 18” x 12”
Ode to ENF (Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays, 1856)
Mixed media assemblage on paper. Soil dyed bed sheet cotton with fabric dye, vintage garden book text, linoleum, pine rosin, printed map, reflector fragment, 2022
18.5” h x 4.5”w x 0.25”d
Non Remnant Landscape
A remnant landscape or habitat refers to an area that is undisturbed, uncut, or unpolluted containing native flora and fauna. The piece Non Remnant Landscape (made from remnants) is a talismanic object. 12” H x 11.5”W x .5”D, hand made flax paper, soiled dyed and scorched cotton bedsheet, mica, map prints, found ocean tumbled glass and ceramic shards, pebble, dried plant. 2022
Untitled 1
Paper, fabric, thread , gouache, printed
Untitled 4
Handmade flax paper, slip dyed cotton, gouache, printed paper, mica, thread
New Ice
Printed archival illustration on board, printed maps, copper, gouache, thread. 5” x 5”, 2022
Deep Under
Mixed media on paper , 9” h x 5.5” w (2020)
Paper, cyanotype on silk, isobar maps printed, found hardened acrylic paint, mylar, fabric, thread, vinyl letters
Untitled 2, 2021
Paper, thread, gouache, vitreous enamel on mica, gouache on paper, flood maps (toner on paper), printed archival document (toner on paper), tea stained
Mixed media on paper 14” h x 9” w (2021)
Found paper pulp with leaves, found plastic ,found hardened acrylic paint, painted acoustic tile, fabric, pearls, amethyst, thread, cardboard, acrylic sheet, printed book cover
Flood Fauna
Mixed media on paper, 18”h x 12” w (2021)
Fabric, thread, toner copy flood map and isobar maps (ink on paper) gouache, 2021
Untitled 3
Handmade flax paper, gouache, thread, oil pastel, ceramic shards
Landscape with Disturbance
Mixed media on paper, 11’h x 9”w (2020)
Paper, gouache, isobar map (toner on paper) vinyl lettering, cardboard, thread, pvc, fabric,
Work on paper, 2020 (9” x 7”)
Gouache on paper, fabric, thread, lettering, isobar map print on paper
Factory Setting
Mixed media on paper , 11” h x 9” w
Fabric, gouache on paper, book binding, 23k gold leaf, mylar, 2021