Shelter (for the new disasters)
At the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, "Guide Ropes and Live Wires: an Art Faculty exhibit, Jan 31-March 13, 2016.

Shelter (for the new disasters)
Textiles, wood, asphalt shingles, 60" h x 40" w x x 26" d, 2014
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.

Plant for the new disasters
Exhibit ”Black, White, and Green”, Gallery at 14 Maple, Morris Arts & Geraldine R Dodge Foundation, Morristown NJ, curator Katherine Murdock . 2016, from "Black, White, and Green", Gallery at 14 Maple, Morristown, NJ.
Aluminum, cardboard, textiles, wood, artificial turf, anthracite coal, found objects.

Kneeler (for the new disasters) 2016
Wood, pvc, cardboard, antracite coal, tinted epoxy resin, textiles, album covers, antler, artificial grass, cyanotype on silk.
For The New Disasters
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into totems that feel essential, but whose purposes are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.

Kneeler, detail 2016

Kneeler, detail 2016

Vessel (for the new disasters)
11" w x 7" d x 6.5" h, found handle, metal mesh, wood, paper mache, textiles, cyanotype on silk, artificial turf. 2014
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.

Weapon (for the new disasters)
2l" w x 22" h x 4"D, 2014
sponge, coral, copper, foam, cotton string, waxed cord, acrylic fabric, acoustic tile, wood.
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.
Shelter (for the new disasters)
At the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, "Guide Ropes and Live Wires: an Art Faculty exhibit, Jan 31-March 13, 2016.
Shelter (for the new disasters)
Textiles, wood, asphalt shingles, 60" h x 40" w x x 26" d, 2014
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.
Plant for the new disasters
Exhibit ”Black, White, and Green”, Gallery at 14 Maple, Morris Arts & Geraldine R Dodge Foundation, Morristown NJ, curator Katherine Murdock . 2016, from "Black, White, and Green", Gallery at 14 Maple, Morristown, NJ.
Aluminum, cardboard, textiles, wood, artificial turf, anthracite coal, found objects.
Kneeler (for the new disasters) 2016
Wood, pvc, cardboard, antracite coal, tinted epoxy resin, textiles, album covers, antler, artificial grass, cyanotype on silk.
For The New Disasters
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into totems that feel essential, but whose purposes are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.
Kneeler, detail 2016
Kneeler, detail 2016
Vessel (for the new disasters)
11" w x 7" d x 6.5" h, found handle, metal mesh, wood, paper mache, textiles, cyanotype on silk, artificial turf. 2014
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.
Weapon (for the new disasters)
2l" w x 22" h x 4"D, 2014
sponge, coral, copper, foam, cotton string, waxed cord, acrylic fabric, acoustic tile, wood.
For the New Disasters- July, 2014
When all that remains are memories of objects, and a longing for the functions they provided, which are indistinct, like a barely sensed dream after an early morning waking.
Pulled from the heaps, cobbled into things that feel essential, but whose purpose are hidden as much by waste as loss. Touch after touch hands know what they knew, making by instinct, differently familiar forms in search of their connection to human activity.
These are now in time for the new disasters.