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Site Effects Group Exhibition Munich January 17th- February 29th, 2020

Added on by Thea Clark.

12 artists from the USA 12 artists from Europe each making 1 piece of their own and one piece in response to an unknown artist statement, all shown side by side without artist identification. What piece is made where, which statement originates in the US which in Europe? The viewers will see if they can determine the origins of each. Opening in Munich followed by The Art Alliance in Philadelphia April 4-May 24, then The Baltimore Jewelry Center May 5-July 10.

Super excited to be showing with the following artists:

From Europe: Sofia Björkman, Caroline Broadhead, Liesbet Bussche, Anja Eichler, Maria Rosa Franzin, Sara Gackowska, Lena Grabher, Peter Hoogeboom, Anastasia Kandaraki, Kristiina Laurits, Nanna Melland, Estela Saez

From the US: Kristen Beeler, Thea Clark, Nikki Coupee, Emily Culver, Bob Ebendorf, Rebekah Frank, Holland Houdek, Anya Kivarkis, Seth Papac, Sondra Sherman, Marjorie Simon, Katja Toporski

Opening January 17- February 29, 2020

Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein

„Site Effects”

Pacellistrasse 6-8

80333 München


Telephone: +49 089 / 29 01 47 - 0